2016年9月19日 星期一

[Happy-Go-Lucky] Kombucha One Week Diary

Kombucha, simple to say, is tea fermented with some kind of yeast and bacteria, it's easy to find a tutorial online so I am not going to explain anything. Just a report to see everyday change of my first kombucha. I got my scoby from online shop, hope it will work and make me a bunch of scoby. Kombucha diary, start!

Day 1

The temperature was rather low recently, around 78 , maybe that's why there is no change.. just be patient~

Day 3

New scoby is forming! Big relief! At this point I knew my kombucha will be succeeding.

By the end of the week, I use new scobby to make another bottle of kombucha, turns out it's super easy to make.

[Happy-Go-Lucky] 三種材料做草莓果醬 超簡易微波爐版

來做什麼添加物都沒有又香又簡單的草莓果醬吧! 一小瓶草莓醬的份量 草莓 300克 檸檬汁 一大匙 糖(我使用椰糖,所以成品顏色較深。)50克 就這樣,原料很簡單。 首先把草莓洗淨根據想要的口感切成自己喜歡的大小, 加入檸檬汁和糖拌勻放入冰箱...